



縣市地區:台北市 > 中正區

Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen. 

(本文同步發表「SJKen 的浮光掠影」與「SJKen的美食與旅行手札」,旅遊體驗是版主造訪後個人主觀感受,感受因人而異,不具任何商業促銷意圖。)



身為首善之都的台北,今年也不例外,微風百貨、微風慈善基金會、聯邦文教基金會與台北車站聯手,在2023年11月10號,假台北車站1樓大廳舉辦「Love Without Limits星願無限」聖誕點燈活動,點亮23米全台室內最高聖誕樹,可能也是台北市最早點亮的一棵巨型室內巨型聖誕樹,金色與藍色光輝交錯的聖誕樹,給人一種暖心愉悅又優雅平靜的感受。

Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen. 

這棵23米高金碧輝煌質感絕佳的聖誕樹,以銀白色為主體色系視覺設計,正面下方寫了微風百貨的英文名稱Breeze,上面四個圓牌寫了四家主辦與協辦贊助廠商名稱,整棵聖誕樹上,鑲滿了超過 75,000 顆聖誕燈泡,樹頂上還裝設了閃閃發亮的八角星,象徵充滿希望與夢想的未來。

Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen. 


Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen. 

微風台北車站這棵全台最高室內聖誕樹,從2023/11/10 一路展出至2024/1/7止,照耀了整個台北車站1樓挑高又寬廣的大廳,相信會給國內外觀光客留下了美好的印象,如果你有機會前來造訪,別忘了拍照打卡留念,感受濃濃的聖誕氛圍。 

Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.Taipei Christmas tree and street decoration series 1 --- Breeze department store sponsered   Christmas tree at Taipe railway station, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20, 2023 by SJKen.  

微風台北車站一樓廣場「Love Without Limits!星願無限」聖誕樹點燈


創作者 SJKen的浮光掠影 的頭像

SJKen 的浮光掠影(影評‧美食‧旅行與創作生活手記)





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